Photo Pong stimulates interactions between two people via the exchange of photos.
Photo Pong is made especially for friends, lovers and family members.
By taking turns in sending photos, connected Photo Pong users show that they are thinking of each other.
Be among the first users!
Photo Pong Key Features
Invitation-only / safe-to-use
Photo Pong has a safety mechanism to ensure that connections can only be established between users, who already know each other and who explicitly want to be connected.
To realize this safety mechanism, each Photo Pong connection starts with the generation of an invitation code (within the Photo Pong App) by the first of the two users.
This invitation code is then sent (outside of Photo Pong) to the second user, who can use it in Photo Pong to send an invitation to the first user. As the invitation code has been deliberately created by the first user, the code is already directly associated with him/her, so that the addressee of the invitation is already clear.
Once the first user accepts the invitation, the connection is established and the Photo Pong exchange starts.
In Photo Pong, users need tickets to exchange photos. Each ticket enables a user to send one photo to one of his/her Photo Pong connections.
Once the initially provided tickets have been used, users can either purchase additional tickets or earn tickets by watching advertisements in the App.
Premium users have unlimited tickets and never need to watch any advertisements. Premium access can be purchased in the App.
Another mechanism to earn tickets is to rank among the top 3 in the weekly, monthly or annual rankings for the most active Photo Pong users.
The rankings are shown in the App and points can be earned by simply using the App and exchanging photos. Sending photos as well as sending and accepting invitations earns points for the respective users. Users, who close an existing connection, lose some points.
Privacy protected
Photo Pong has a safety mechanism to ensure that connections can only be established between users, who already know each other and are able to exchange an invitation code outside of the Photo Pong App.
To create a Photo Pong account, users select a unique username and a password.
As no email address is required, fully anonymous usage is possible.
For each exchange between two users, Photo Pong always only stores the most recent photo – all earlier photos are deleted from the Photo Pong servers. User photos are never used outside of the App.